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Rhino prints about to go live

Charlotte Williams

I just wanted to give my website subscribers a quick heads up, before I make it public on my social media, that my 100 signed limited edition prints of Waiwai and Delia are hot off the press today and available to purchase.

They are available in either colour or black and white and in two sizes:

Large - 84.1 x 55 cm (inc a 3cm border - 90.1 x 61cm) £280

Small - 59.4 x 39 cm (inc a 3 cm border (65.4 x 45cm) £200

I will be donating 10% of proceeds to Lewa Conservancy which is where the iconic Waiwai resides and is protected. No's 1-5 are sold already, pre release, due to requests being made while the drawing was underway and I am hopeful that the rest will go swiftly so that I can make a meaningful donation as soon as possible as funds are critically needed.

If you would like to purchase one, I have just put them up on my website on the shop page (you can filter to prints) and it should be pretty straight forward from there. Or if you prefer I am happy to arrange it personally.

Huge thanks for your support.




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John Gill
Jul 14, 2022

Very nicely done


Charlotte Williams
Jan 20, 2021

Thank you Tim 😊


Tim Paterson
Jan 20, 2021

Stunning as ever. Thanks Charlie

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